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1890s - 1910s


Back in the late 19th century, the Lumière brothers and Thomas Edison were pioneering the very first films.

Posters from this time were pretty basic—mostly just text with film titles and a bit of information.

These vintage posters are truly rare gems. They give us a glimpse into the birth of cinema and the novelty of moving pictures, making them a fascinating piece of film history.

1920s - 1940s

Golden age

This was the era when big studios like MGM, Paramount, and Warner Bros. were taking off.

Posters got a lot more sophisticated, with vivid illustrations and vibrant colors. Artists like Al Hirschfeld and Saul Bass created stunning works, often highlighting the stars of the film.

Posters from this golden age are celebrated for their artistic beauty and craftsmanship. They capture the glamour and allure of early Hollywood, making them prized collector’s items for their historical and aesthetic value.

1950s - 1970s

The Modern Era

After WWII, the film industry saw a lot of changes, especially with the rise of TV.

Posters became more dramatic and sensational, matching the genre of the films. The 1960s and 70s, influenced by the counterculture movement, brought in abstract and surreal designs from artists like Richard Amsel and Bob Peak.

These vintage posters are bold and innovative. They reflect the cultural shifts of their time, making them not just visually striking but also rich with historical significance.

1980s - 2000s

the blockbuster age

This was the era of the blockbuster.

Posters were highly polished with the use of computer graphics. Many iconic posters with their eye-catching visuals nd memorable taglines.

Posters from this era are full of nostalgia. They capture the essence of some of the most beloved films, making them iconic pieces that are treasured by fans and collectors alike.

2000s - Present

the digital age

With the internet and digital media, movie posters have become incredibly creative and complex.

There’s been a resurgence of minimalist and retro-inspired designs. 

While not yet vintage, these posters show how design and technology have evolved. They highlight modern trends and innovations in film marketing.